摘要:NGOs’ services for disadvantaged youth seeking to increase their employment is analysed in the article. A new view to NGOs’ role in the process of youth working integration is presented,which is oriented to the specific needs and problems of youth integrating into the labour market and the fulfilment of these needs via participation in NGOs’ activities. NGOs are seen as institutions which are able to develop disadvantaged youth common skills that are needed in the modern labour market. The data is presented from the research of NGOs representatives,accomplished during the project “Lithuanian development community of youth employment improvement”.
其他摘要:Straipsnyje analizuojamos jaunimo nevyriausybinių organizacijų (toliau – NVO) paslaugos socialiai pažeidžiamam jaunimui siekiant jo užimtumo. Naujai žiūrima į NVO vaidmenį jaunimo darbinės integracijos procese – orientuojamasi į socialiai pažeidžiamo jaun