摘要:Rresearch focuses on investigation and comparison of pro–social and delinquent children’s opinions on children’s rights realities. The purpose of the research was to study and compare the attitudes of 15–18 years old convicted juveniles and secondary school students with regard to the children’s rights. In 1998,607 16–18 years old Lithuanian students were questioned using a closed type questionnaires with 21 question prepared with reference to UN Convention on the Rights of the Child,by International School Psychology Association,ISPA. In 2002,104 children in Juvenile Interrogation Isolator–Penitentiary (JIF–P) in Lithuania were questioned using the same questionnaire of 21 questions about children’s rights and an open type question related on delinquent behaviour prevention was included. Results show that boys from JIF–P institution answering the questions about their situation at home in line with the rights of the child,give very good,not adequate valuations for it. Most of all and much more than ordinary students of the same age (p.
其他摘要:Straipsnyje pateikiamo empirinio tyrimo tikslas – tiriant nepilnamečių teisės pažeidėjų ir vidurinių mokyklų moksleivių požiūrius į vaiko teisių realijas įvairiose aplinkose,atskleisti nusikaltusių jaunuolių specifinius poreikius ir problemas vaiko teisių
关键词:children’s rights;juveniles in conflict with the law;secondary school students;juvenile correctional works facility;delinquency prevention
其他关键词:vaiko teisės;nepilnamečiai teisės pažeidėjai;moksleiviai;auklėjimo darbų kolonija;nusikaltimų prevencija.