摘要:There is a growing recognition that homelessness is experienced as a process rather than simply as a „situation“ or a consequence of certain circumstances. During their „career“ the homeless people live in shelters,hostels,sleep rough,share lodging with their friends or relatives - they have different experiences as their incomes,living places,social relations change. Homelessness impacts on many aspects of people’s life. In order to gain more knowledge about this phenomenon it is important to identify the life events which cause positive or negative changes. The mode of life of homeless,their attitudes towards present situation and the future prospects should be an area of particular concern. Various aspects of behaviour of homeless (health,alcohol-related issues,social relations) are discussed in the article,basing on the results of sociological survey of homeless people,conducted in 2003. The data on the attitudes towards future prospects are analysed,focusing on their willingness and motives to combat present situation of social exclusion.
其他摘要:Benamystė yra ne tik tam tikra gyvenimo situacija,bet ir procesas: per savo benamystės „karjerą“ individai daug kartų keičia gyvenamuosius būstus,atitinkamai kinta jų pajamų šaltiniai,socialiniai ryšiai,gyvenamųjų vietų padėtis. Siekiant išsamiau apžvelgt
关键词:Homelessness;Personal Evaluation of Health;Bad Habits;Social Relations;Future Expectations.
其他关键词:benamystė;subjektyvus sveikatos vertinimas;žalingi įpročiai;socialiniai ryšiai;ateities lūkesčiai.