期刊名称:Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi
出版社:Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi
摘要:At the end of the 1970s,existing macroeconomic models are criticized because these models were becoming inadequate about solving the problems emerging this period. Due to this criticisms,considerable developments are arising in the field of macroeconomic and microeconomic modelling. Referring a unique model which has a consensus upon,is impossible,but until the 1980s developments about macroeconomics is clustering around the New Neoclassical Synthesis (NNS) or New Keynessian Macro Model which is a stochastic general equilibrium model. The intended study aims to investigate and tries to explain the development that has occured in macroecomics along with modelling on monetary policy at the end of the 20th and the early 21st centuries,and NNS which is becoming new theoretical approach and more popular at the literature.
其他摘要:1970’li yılların sonlarında mevcut makroekonomik modeller,bu dönemde ortaya çıkan sorunların çözümünde yetersiz kalmaları nedeniyle çeşitli yönlerden eleştirilmişlerdir. Bu eleştiriler neticesinde de makroekonomi ve makroekonomik modelleme alanında önemli
关键词:Macroeconomic models;dynamic stochastic general equilibrium;new neoclassical synthesis;inflation targeting
其他关键词:Makroekonomik modeller;dinamik stokastik genel denge;yeni neoklasik sentez;enflasyon hedeflemesi