期刊名称:Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi
出版社:Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi
摘要:Turkey has natural and cultural attractions and a rich potential for mountaineering tourism with legendary and untouched high mountains. Although the potential of mountaineering tourism has not been generally promoted or exploited;tourists from different parts of the world do come to Turkey to climb and hike. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism aims to develop and disseminate mountaineering tourism as an important activity for local tourists. The present study has been conducted on 149 mountaineers that are members of mountaineering clubs affiliated with the Turkish Mountaineering Federation. It seeks to establish the profile and tendency of mountaineers and highlights the relevant importance level of decision making considerations before they start off on a mountaineering expedition. The study took place between March and April 2013 Makalenin geliş tarihi: 14.07.2014 — Kabul tarihi:01.10.2014 * İletişim kurulacak yazar: Prof. Dr. A. Celil Çakıcı Mersin Üniversitesi,Turizm Fakültesi,Mersin,Türkiye. Eposta: [email protected] and the findings indicate that the participants give importance to excitement of climbing,the safety of climbing,and biological attractiveness of mountain.
其他摘要:Türkiye,doğal ve kültürel çekicilikleri,efsanevi ve bakir yüksek dağlarıyla zengin dağcılık turizmi potansiyeline sahiptir. Henüz dağcılık turizmi potansiyeli yeterince değerlendirilemese de,Türkiye’ye bu amaçla her yıl dünyanın çeşitli yerlerinden çok sa