摘要:Other than two significant palaces built in Edirne during the Ottoman era, the Saray- ı Atik (Old Palace) and the Saray-ı Cedîd-i Âmire (New Imperıal Palace).The building program of the New Imperial Palace (Saray-ı Cedîd-i Âmire) started in the last years of Murad II’s reign, in what is today the Sarayiçi Quarter of Edirne to the west of the Tunca River and eventually became a large complex with extensions and renovations dateable to almost every era.This palace, significant portions of which were built during the reign of Mehmed II (1451-1481), was comprised of nearly a hundred structures with various functions and was spread over a vast expanse.The New Imperial Palace (Saray-ı Cedid-i Amire), remained in use for centuries and was witness to many important historical events (e.g.Mehmed IV’s circumcision feast, the Ottoman-Russo Wars and the Balkan Wars, etc.).In the closing decades of the 19th and early 20th centuries, during the 1877-78 Ottoman-Russo War and the 1910-1912 Balkan Wars, the palace suffered much destruction and many of its buildings were destroyed.From the documents and publications at hand we know that Edirne’s New Imperial Palace (Saray-ı Cedîd-i Âmire) was comprised of: 117 Chambers, 21 Divanhanes, 18 Hamams, 8 Mescits, 17 Doors, 13 Dormitories, 4 Cellars, 5 Kitchen, 17 Pavilions ve 6 Bridges.Doubtlessly, these figures are going to be more credible after the examination of archival documents and the excavations currently being carried out in the field are completed.
其他摘要:Edirne’de Osmanlı Dönemi’nde inşa edilmiş iki önemli saray; Eski Saray (Saray- ı Atik) ve Yeni Saray (Saray-ı Cedîd-i Âmire) bulunmaktadır.Edirne Yeni Saray; Edirne’nin Sarayiçi olarak adlandırılan bölgesinde, Tunca Nehri’nin batısındaki alanda, II.Murad’
关键词:Ottoman Empire;Edirne;Palace;Ottoman Architecture;Life in the Palace
其他关键词:Osmanlı İmparatorluğu;Edirne;Saray;Osmanlı Mimarisi;Sarayda yaşam