摘要:The purpose of this article is to verify how the scientific community supports the management account-ants in emphasizing high ethical requirements expected of the profession.The article presents issues relating to ethics in the profession of management accountants in the light of research and international standards as well as the results of and conclusions from the study of Polish academic textbooks and educational programs.The study allowed for positive verification of the hypothesis stating that ethicalaspects of the management accounting profession are only scantily covered in academic education in Poland.In addition, the results provide guidance to improve educational programs in Polish universities.
其他摘要:Celem artykułu jest poznanie, jak środowisko naukowe rachunkowości wspiera zawód specjalisty rachunkowości zarządczej w uświadamianiu wysokich wymagań etycznych oczekiwanych od tego zawodu.W artykule zostały przedstawione zagadnienia dotyczące etyki w zaw