摘要:This article presents the findings of an analysis of the role of internal social responsibility accounting (sustainable management accounting) in the light of legitimacy theory.The article is a result of studies, conducted by the author, of foreign and Polish literature and it is an attempt to find answers to three research questions corresponding to the subsections of the article: how does accounting legitimize the status of a socially responsible corporation, how does internal social responsibility accounting become a tool for the legitimacy of a socially responsible corporation and what are the directions of its development.On the basis of deductive inference, the author presents a proposals for treating internal social responsibility accounting as a tool for sustainable business legitimation.In addition, conclusions are formulated regarding the projected development of internal social responsibility accounting, namely sustainable management accounting.
其他摘要:W opracowaniu przedstawiono wnioski z przeprowadzonej analizy roli wewnętrznej rachunkowości odpowiedzialności społecznej przedsiębiorstwa (zrównoważonej rachunkowości zarządczej) ukazane w świetle teorii legitymizacji.Opracowanie powstało w rezultacie pr
关键词:management accounting;controlling;corporate social responsibility;CSR;theory of legitimacy