摘要:The paper presents a research perspective known in management accounting from the 1970s as the con-tingency theory.In the first part of the article the origins of this theory are explained and its basic assump-tions are shown.Then the basic contextual factors that determine the design of management accounting are identified.The second part of the paper gives a brief review of research carried out in the world, which adopted the contingency theory as the dominant research perspective.The author of the study argues that the contingency theory framework includes four aspects: a set of contextual variables to be analyzed, methods of management accounting, theory of accounting (normative, positive), and research methods adopted.
其他摘要:W artykule zaprezentowano perspektywę badawczą znaną w rachunkowości zarządczej od lat 70. ubiecowania dokonano krótkiego przeglądu prowadzonych na świecie badań, których autorzy przyjęli teorię uwarunkowań sytuacyjnych jako dominującą perspektywę badawcz
关键词:contingency theory;methods of management accounting;research approaches