摘要:Language development in toddlerhood and early childhood progresses very quickly,while individual developmental phases are the same irrespective of the language the child is acquiring. The aim of this longitudinal study was to examine the characteristics of children’s language comprehension and expression,and their pragmatic use of language,as well as to determine the developmental language changes that occur between the ages of three and four. The sample involved 80 randomly selected children,39 girls and 41 boys,whose average age at the fi rst evaluation was 3,1 years and at the second 4,1 years. The research also involved the mothers and teachers of the children included in the sample. The children’s language comprehension and expression were determined using a Language Development Scale,and their pragmatic use of language through testing their storytelling abilities. Their language competence was also evaluated by their teachers and mothers. The results highlight signifi cant differences between three- and four-year-olds as shown by the Language Development Scale and by their storytelling abilities,as well as in the evaluations by their teachers and mothers. Among threeyear-olds,stories at the 2nd level of coherence prevailed,i.e. containing simple descriptions of people,objects or illustrations,whereas four-year-olds most often told stories at the 3rd level,i.e. containing a simple temporal stringing together of events. The child’s gender had no signifi cant effect on development between the age of three and four. In interpreting the results, we drew upon the fi ndings of both Slovenian and foreign authors relating to different aspects of language development in toddlers and young children.
其他摘要:Govorni razvoj v obdobju mal~ka in zgodnjega otro{tva poteka zelo hitro,zaporedje posameznih razvojnih faz pa je univerzalno ne glede na jezik,ki ga otroci usvajajo. V pri~ujo~i longitudinalni raziskavi smo avtorice `elele preu~iti zna~ilnosti govornega r
关键词:language comprehension and expression;storytelling;developmental changes
其他关键词:govorno razumevanje in izra`anje;pripovedovanje zgodbe;razvojne spremembe