期刊名称:Archiwum Fotogrametrii, Kartografii i Teledetekcji
出版社:Main Board of Association of Polish Surveyors
摘要:Recording semantic data on a raster map and thus making it amenable to reading through a browser has so far posed an unsolved problem. In numerous cases,such a new cartographic product would be an advantage over traditional cartographic GIS products. The advantage would be augmented by no need for a user to have specialized knowledge and command of GIS. The knowledge of geography at the secondary-school level would be sufficient to create and use such maps. Long-term research on methods for recording semantic information on raster maps and on the use of other graphic documents in a raster form have resulted in developing methods for generating e-symbols based on the source alphabet. To implement the method,the authors have developed a software package containing an analyzer,an e-symbol library generator,an editor for placing e-symbols on a raster map,and a graphic browser for reading the semantic information written on a raster map. The paper describes application of the software on a tourist map as an example. The study is based on a map type that is commonly used by tourists,which contains mostly information on places worth visiting (historical and national monuments of architecture and nature),tourist trails (for pedestrians,bikers,cars),transportation system (bus stops,railway stations,ferry terminals),as well as on tourist infrastructure and entertainment (accommodation, restaurants,cinemas,bars,discos). The software described in the paper makes it possible to extend the information content of such a tourist map by any additional items (e.g.,standard,address, phone number,and e-mail address of accommodation,geographical coordinates,etc.) without loss of clarity and without any need to build an extra database. Flexibility of the method presented makes it possible to supplement the contents of such map by including any type of information important for the user.
其他摘要:SIP,mapy rastrowe,dane opisowe,edytor graficzny,mapa turystyczna STRESZCZENIE: Do dzi nierozwi zanym problemem jest takie zapisywanie danych opisowych na mapie rastrowej,aby uzyska mo liwo ich ponownego odczytania przez przegl dark . W wielu przypadkach,n
关键词:GIS;Raster Map;Semantic Data;Graphic Editor;Maps for Tourists