期刊名称:Archiwum Fotogrametrii, Kartografii i Teledetekcji
出版社:Main Board of Association of Polish Surveyors
摘要:The coastal zone,due to its inaccessibility and dynamic processes,is a very interesting but difficult research area. Until recent years,the variety of coastal environments required the use of different research techniques,however the analysis of the results obtained,was not detailed enough to describe very complicated phenomena and coastal development. The integrated laser scanning (LiDAR) technology creates new opportunities to obtain fast,accurate and simultaneous data of the sea bottom and the beach relief. Laser scanning measurements taken in the highest water transparency with good sea and weather conditions make it possible to obtain 2.5÷3 Secchi Depth,which - in case of the south Baltic Sea - equals approximately 30 meters. The analysis of Digital Surface Model (DSM) and Digital Terrain Model (DTM),obtained through filtering vegetation and other objects, allows to identify the relationship between the causes and effects of dynamic processes observed in the underwater and the land part of the coastal zone. Application of the laser scanning technique creates better opportunities to understand the conditions and phenomena observed in the coastal zone, especially storm damages posing threat to the infrastructure.
其他摘要:Strefa brzegowa ze względu na swą niedostępność i dynamiczne procesy w niej zachodzące stanowi bardzo ciekawy,ale równocześnie,trudny obszar badawczy. Zróżnicowanie środowisk wymagało do tej pory stosowania różnych technik badawczych,a analiza pozyskanych