摘要:This paper addresses reading and the telling of fairy tales to preschool children in multigenerational families. It stresses the importance of the approach taken by adult narrators,since both activities can be understood as methods for developing early literacy. This is because adult narrators change both activities into a family ritual whose aim is to facilitate an experience of mutuality,harmony and family unity. The paper stems from a qualitative analysis which used individual and group interviews with parents and grandparents from four multigenerational families. It shows that adult narrators perceive reading and telling as a valued time of togetherness with children rather than a means of child education. The paper identifies four different approaches that adult narrators adopt: (i) a nurse motivated by a wish to be a good (grand)parent,(ii) a teacher who wishes to be a mediator of knowledge,(iii) a sage who emphasises the importance of social and ethical education, (iv) a jester who accentuates humour and entertainment.
其他摘要:Článek se zabývá čtením a vyprávěním pohádek předškolním dětem ve vícegeneračních rodinách. Chápeme-li obě aktivity jako metodu rozvoje počáteční gramotnosti,hraje při nich důležitou roli přístup dospělých vypravěčů. Ti jeho prostřednictvím vytvářejí z ka
关键词:fairy tale;ritual;preschool children;reading;telling;multigenerational family
其他关键词:pohádka;rituál;předškolní děti;čtení;vyprávění;vícegenerační rodina