摘要:Theoretical study reflects the relationship between family and school at the beginning of institutionalized education from the perspective of limitations that such a close relationship may bring. To explain these limitations study summarizes evidences that a tight relationship between family and nursery school or family and primary school may not be beneficial under all circumstances. One of the main reasons is that a childpupil may loose some of incentives which are peculiar to family or school because of the continuity of both backgrounds. Likewise,some parents could be discriminated to a certain extent when the school initiates to build partnerships,too. Finally,there is a teacher whose educational autonomy may be weakened in such a relationship.
其他摘要:Text,ktorý má charakter teoretickej štúdie,reflektuje vzťah rodiny a školy na začiatku inštitucionalizovaného vzdelávania z perspektívy obmedzení,ktoré môžu ich úzke väzby prinášať. Jej hlavným záverom je, že tesné vzťahy medzi rodinou a materskou školou,