摘要:Stress that almost everybody can experience in their lifetime is a state of discomfort which is caused by several components and which can influence the quality of life in a negative way. Especially the complications in the job conditions that are faced by the employees can be sources of stress. In this study,it is aimed to reveal whether the job conditions cause stress over health employees or not. It is also aimed to discover whether the effect of job conditions on employees alter depending on diverse criteria (gender,age,organization,income level,marital status). In this study,field survey method is used and a questionnaire is applied over a total of 456 people who work for private and public medical establishments in Sivas. As a result,it is revealed that job conditions cause a medium level stress and employees working for private medical establishments face less stress in comparison to the employees working for public establishments.
其他摘要:Stres,insan yaşamında hemen herkesin yaşayabileceği,çeşitli unsurlardan kaynaklanan ve yaşam kalitesini olumsuz yönde etkileyen bir rahatsızlık durumudur. Özellikle çalışan insanların yaşadığı iş koşullarındaki olumsuzluklar,stres kaynağı olabilmektedir.