标题:Study of the possibility of increasing the stealth signal-code construction in the radio communication system by implementation pseudo-random Lemer sequence
出版社:Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University
摘要:As the experience of the Combined Forces Operation demonstrates,radio relay communication is an integral part of the troop control system,it helps to link control points of units and connections to a fixed communication network,especially in cases where the combat situation does not allow the deployment of wire communication lines. Today,in combat units and companies which where performing tasks in the OSS area,the vital information exchange is carried out using modern,secure digital means,including radio relay communications,such as the P-425S3,P-402,Ubiquiti AirGrid M5 HP 27. The resulted samples of technology correspond to modern requirements and tendencies of development of military radio relay communication. But,despite the foregoing,modern means of radio-relay communication have in our opinion one specific vulnerability related to the methods of formation and processing of carrier signals at stations,this is the application of harmonic signals. These types of signals do not meet the requirements of stealth in full,since they differ from noise in the correlation,spectral and nonlinear analysis. The steganographic methods of information concealment are an actual approach to increase the stealth of radio communication systems (including radio relay): the use of broadband (using pseudo-random sequences) signals,that is,work in “noise”,when the reconnaissance receiver can not detect (accumulate) a signal is transmitted,for account of the similarity of the signal to a random process in the case of visual,correlation,and spectral analysis. The analysis of the statistical and dynamic characteristics of the basic pseudo-random sequence of numbers generated by the multiplicative congruent Lemer method shows that the characteristics of the PRS are similar to the characteristics of the observation noise,with the exception of the autocorrelation function. The frequency modulation of the harmonic carrier by the information sequence,which is formed with the help of “Lemer codes”,allows obtaining an information signal having increased secrecy due to the similarity of its phase portrait and the correlation (autocorrelation) function with similar observation noise indicators. Thus,the idea of using such a signal can be realized for the hidden methods of transmission of digital information in the complexes of broadband microwave radio relay communications,in turn,they will be successfully integrated into the prospective concealed control system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
其他摘要:У роботі проведено аналіз статистичних і динамічних властивостей базової псевдовипадкової послідовності чисел сформованої за допомогою мультиплікативного конгруентного методу Лемера. Доведено,що застосування даної послідовності в якості модулюючої функції
关键词:radio communication;stealth;traffic;multiplier congruent method of Lemer;noise of observation
其他关键词:радіозв'язок;скритність;трафік;мультиплікативний конгруентний метод Лемера;шум спостереження.