出版社:Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University
摘要:The application of the transformer chassis makes it possible to make the total normal reactions on all wheels equal,which allows you to increase the carrying capacity of cars and increase the life of pneumatic tires,which is especially important for military wheeled equipment. In the work,the restrictions on the size of the base and the track of hybrid wheels are determined on the condition of stability of the position in the transformer performance of their chassis. The conditions for the separation of the front and rear wheels during braking in the case of backward movement and forward movement and the absence of separation of the front and rear axle wheels from the support surface are obtained. The condition for the separation of the front and rear wheels during braking in the case of backward and forward movement,the condition for the absence of separation of the front and rear axle wheels from the reference surface,analytical expressions allowing to determine the limits of the permissible reduction of the base of two and three-wheel vehicles in the transformer performance of the running gear,analytical expressions,which allow to determine the limit of permissible reduction of the road of the car in the transformer performance of its chassis. The obtained results can be used for creating hybrid cars (with a combined electromechanical drive of driving wheels) of a modular design with a transformer chassis.
其他摘要:В роботі визначено обмеження на розміри бази й колії гібридних колісних машин за умовою стійкості положення при трансформерному виконанні їх ходової частини. Отримано умови відриву передніх та задніх коліс при гальмуванні у разі руху назад та відповідно р
关键词:transformer chassis;base;track;center of mass;wheel detachment