摘要:In recent years,a new service under the name of e-company has been added to the services that are made on the internet without making the parties come face to face physically such as e-state,e-municipality,e-declaration and e-commerce. The obligation to open a website for the equity firms that are audited entity causes creating e-company information system. The aim of the study is to determine how the ISE-30 firms discharge the obligation of opening a website and with the content analysis method to analyze the scope and quality of the information that the firms getting services from Central Database Service Providers (CDSP) share in e-company information system. In the study,it was found that except for T. Halk Bank I.C. other ISE-30 firms discharge their obligation of opening a website by getting support service from Central Securities Depository (CSD). Moreover,it could be said that within information society services the ISE-30 firms are tend to present more information than minimum content on their internet websites.
其他摘要:Son yıllarda tarafları fiziki olarak karşı karşıya getirmeksizin internet ortamında yerine getirilen e-devlet,e-belediye,e-bildirge,e-ticaret gibi hizmetlere e-şirket adı altında bir yenisi daha eklenmiştir. Denetime tabi sermaye şirketlerine internet sit
关键词:Information Society;Information Society Services;Obligation Website