摘要:Consumers engage in purchasing activities for meeting their needs or for various other purposes. They might sometimes experience regret after a purchase either due to external factors or emotional reasons. This study attempts to analyze post-purchase consumer regret and investigates the reasons for regret as well consumers’ coping responses in the face of regret. A questionnaire prepared to that end was administered to volunteers in Adiyaman. The universe of the study was the central district of Adiyaman. Data were gathered by means of convenience sampling method and descriptive survey model. As a result,314 valid questionnaire forms were returned. Statistical analyses were performed on the data and it was revealed that consumers experience regret if prices go down after their purchases. Most of the time,they either give up purchasing from that certain store or share this experience with friends and family in response to such regret. Furthermore,it was found out that the reasons and relevant responses to regret vary considerably depending on age,gender,marital status and level of education. Retailers are expected to utilize the results of the current study.
其他摘要:Tüketiciler farklı amaçlarla ve farklı ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak için alış veriş yaparlar. Alış veriş sonrasında ise bazen dış faktörlerin etkisi bazen de duygusal nedenlerden dolayı pişmanlık duyabilmektedirler. Bu araştırmada tüketicilerin alış verişleri