摘要:There is a limited number of academic studies about accounting for derivative products but non of them relating to the accounting for index option contracts. Within the scope of the study,it is aimed to indicate accounting regulations and procedures to be followed under IAS 39 and IFRS 9 for option contracts which traded in Futures and Options Exchange. The BIST 30 index option contracts having the highest volume of transaction and traded in VIOP is the main subject of the study via this objective. It is aimed to make the issue explicit by the help of a fictionalized example about these contracts.
其他摘要:Türev ürünlerin muhasebeleştirilmesine ilişkin olarak yapılmış sınırlı sayıda akademik çalışma var olmakla beraber,endeks opsiyon sözleşmelerinin muhasebeleştirilmesine ilişkin akademik bir çalışmaya rastlanmamıştır. Bu bağlamda çalışmada,vadeli İşlemler