摘要:One of the main elements that enable financial system to perform properly is the banking sector. Therefore,problems arising in the banking sector need to be addressed urgently and accurately. One of the main needs of the banking sector is education. Banking sector employees should have a good education in order for banking activities continue seamlessly. Majority of the banking sector employees go through an accounting education and use their knowledge of accounting at work. This study aims to determine the expectations of the banking sector employees from accounting education. Employees were reached through a survey and the accounting classes taken during undergraduate education were analyzed in terms of quality and quantity.
其他摘要:Finansal sistemin doğru bir şekilde işlemesini sağlayan unsurların başında bankacılık sektörü gelmektedir. Bu özelliğinden dolayı bankacılık sektörünün sorunlarının acilen ve doğru bir şekilde çözülmesi gerekmektedir. Bankacılık sektörünün önemli ihtiyaçl
关键词:banking sector;employees in the banking sector;accounting education
其他关键词:bankacılık sektörü;banka çalışanları;muhasebe eğitimi