出版社:Research Centre of Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine
摘要:The article is aimed at substantiating the approach to evaluating the structural configuration and identifying the features of building a corporate relations system in the context of the organizational development of joint stock company. The regularities and the logic of representation in the dynamics of the organizational development of enterprise of both the reflexive perception and the adaptive response to the continuous transformations of the economic environment are defined. The features of changes in the structural configuration and in the content of activities of the enterprises’ administration bodies at different stages of organizational development are considered. It is proved that the dynamics of the organizational development of joint stock company should be directly reflected in the distribution of corporate control,as well as in defining the nature of shareholder representation in the administration bodies,which are characterized by different grade of influence. It is proposed to use a system of indicators for evaluation of the structural configuration of corporate relations in joint stock company,which is reflected through such aspects of the organization of activities of the higher administration bodies: structural;normative;representative;procedural;effective;informational;integration.
其他摘要:Метою статті є обґрунтування підходу до оцінки структурної конфігурації та виявлення особливостей побудови системи корпоративних відносин у контексті організаційного розвитку акціонерного товариства. Визначено закономірності та логіку відображення в динам