出版社:Research Centre of Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine
摘要:Housing and communal utilities is an independent branch of the national economy. The purpose of functioning of the housing and communal enterprises is to satisfy the needs of the population and economy units in the services that provide normal conditions for life and work. In housing and communal utilities,an important place is occupied by enterprises of water supply and wastewater disposal. One of the largest housing and communal enterprise in City of Kharkiv and Kharkiv region is the KP «Kharkivvodokanal». At present time in the system of KP «Kharkivvodokanal» the preparatory work is carried out in terms of elaboration of the program mechanism for management of the energy saving process in the composition of reformation measures for the period up to 2020 and for more distant temporary horizons. Thus,the article proposes a variant of a energy management scheme. The calculations showed that the organization of resource saving at enterprise includes technical and technological,human,intellectual,financial,information,political-legal,ecological and other elements,which are an important and integral part of energy saving.
其他摘要:Житлово-комунальне господарство є самостійною галуззю національного господарства. Метою функціонування підприємств ЖКГ є задоволення потреб населення та господарств у послугах,що забезпечують нормальні умови для життя та роботи. У ЖКГ важливе місце займаю
关键词:housing and communal utilities;water supply and sewerage;energy saving;resource saving.