出版社:Research Centre of Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine
摘要:The article is aimed at defining directions of improvement of the forest policy of Ukraine. The dynamics of production and trade of forest products in the world is provided. The features of organization of the State regulation of the forest industry of Ukraine are covered. The main tasks of the State regulation and management in the sphere of forest relations are presented together with powers of the State authorities on formation and realization of forest policy. The peculiarities of forest policy formation in the EU are considered. The focus is placed on forming the forest policy in Finland. The author presents the directions of improvement of organization of the State management of forest industry complex of Ukraine towards delimitation of function of regulation,supervision and control over realization of economic activity among the State authorities in order to reduce corruption and ensure the effectiveness of the State forest policy.
其他摘要:Метою статті є визначення напрямів удосконалення лісової політики України. Представлено динаміку виробництва й торгівлі лісовою продукцією у світі. Висвітлено особливості організації державного регулювання лісовою галуззю України. Представлено основні зав
关键词:forest policy;forest industry complex;the State regulation.