出版社:Research Centre of Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine
摘要:The article is aimed at studying the existing methods of assessing investment risks in relation to business planning. The essence of the concept of «investment risk» is considered,a classification of investment risks is provided. It is determined that investment risks can be analyzed using qualitative and quantitative methods that complement each other. The necessity,while assessing an investment risk,to consider only the scenarios of decrease in profitability of the investment project in comparison with the expected value on the basis of calculation of seven standard deviation has been substantiated. While calculating seven standard deviation,it is suggested to use not the modan or median value of the considered range of profitability for the whole aggregate of scenarios,but the average market profitability. Further research should be directed to the development of such methods of investment risk assessment,which would allow to combine quantitative and qualitative methods of assessment and management of investment risks in the process of business planning in conditions of uncertainty.
其他摘要:Метою статті є вивчення наявних методів оцінки інвестиційних ризиків стосовно бізнес-планування. Розглянуто сутність поняття «інвестиційний ризик»,наведено класифікацію інвестиційних ризиків. Визначено,що інвестиційні ризики можуть бути проаналізовані з в
关键词:investment risk;methods of risk assessment;qualitative and quantitative methods;seven standard deviation;business planning.
其他关键词:інвестиційний ризик;методи оцінки ризику;якісні та кількісні методи;семиквадратичне відхилення;бізнес-планування.