出版社:Research Centre of Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine
摘要:The article presents an analysis of a complex of business process management models that are designed to improve the performance of service-providing IT companies. This class of enterprises was selected because of their significant contribution to the Ukrainian economy: third place in the structure of exports,significant budget revenues,high development dynamics,and prospects in the global marketplace. The selected complex of models is designed as a sequence of stages that must be accomplished in order to optimize business processes. The first stage is an analysis of the nature of the process approach,approaches to strategic management,and the characteristics of service-providing IT companies. The second stage is to build the formal and hierarchical models to define the characteristics of the business processes and their structure,respectively. The third stage is to evaluate individual business processes (information model) and the entire business process system (multi-level assessment of business processes). The fourth stage is to optimize the business processes at each level: strategic,tactical and operational. The fifth stage is to restructure the business processes after optimization. The sixth (final) stage is to analyze the efficiency of the restructured system of business processes.
其他摘要:У статті представлено аналіз комплексу моделей управління бізнес-процесами,використання яких покликано підвищити ефективність роботи сервісних ІТ-компаній. Цей клас підприємств було обрано з огляду на їхній значний внесок в економіку України: третє місце