出版社:Research Centre of Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine
摘要:This article proposes a theoretical analysis of the scientific approaches to defining concepts such as «exports» and «export activity». The results of the study helped to reveal that these concepts are identical,although this approach is criticized by many scientists. In the publication presented,the export activity is understood as a combination of actions on the part of the enterprises – foreign economic actors,involved in organizational arrangements aimed at preparation and marketing of goods to foreign economic actors. The article calculates the macro indicators in dynamics in order to characterize the status of Ukraine’s export activities. Its main development tendencies have been identified,the main challenges and directions for further development have been indicated. The article provides the international experience in promoting exports worldwide,the main tasks and functions of export promotion institutions have been explained,thus creating possibility to form recommendations for further actions on the part of the State to support and develop the export activity of Ukraine.
其他摘要:У даній статті проведений теоретичний аналіз наукових підходів до визначення таких понять,як «експорт» та «експортна діяльність». Результати дослідження дали змогу виявити,що ці поняття є тотожними,хоча такий підхід і критикується багатьма науковцями. У п