出版社:Research Centre of Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine
摘要:The article researches the topical problem of the threat of formation of financial crises in the corporate systems based on the neuro-fuzzy models which allow to timely predict a threat of bankruptcy and to warn it. It is noted that more than 50% of Ukraine’s GDP is produced by corporate enterprises,and,besides,there is a clear tendency of the corporations’ takeover of small and micro business entities. The given circumstance proves necessity of strengthening of attention to problems of bankruptcy regarding corporate enterprises as the defining link of the national economic infrastructure. Every year the aggravation of financial crises at corporate enterprises becomes more and more publicized,which requires immediate solution of this problem.
其他摘要:У статті вирішено актуальну проблему загрози формування фінансових криз у корпоративних системах на основі нейро-нечітких моделей,які дозволяють своєчасно спрогнозувати загрозу банкрутства та попередити його. Зазначено,що понад 50% ВВП України виробляють
关键词:financial crisis;economic-mathematical model;threat of bankruptcy;corporate system;fuzzy logic;fuzzy neural networks.