出版社:Research Centre of Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine
摘要:The goal of the article is showing a possibility of solution of the problem of reduction of human efficiency in the information society by means of growth of psychological load. Methodological grounds of the study are ideas of the American psychologist Clare William Graves,who,while developing the Abraham Maslow theory,created a system theory of evolution development of human consciousness,which determines human behaviour. Based of systemisation of conclusions of C. Graves and his followers the article formulates a hypothesis about expediency of use of spiral dynamics ideas for identifying reserves of strengthening of influence of the collective manager upon labour behaviour of subordinates. Test of hypothesis shows that,apart from diagnostics of the sources of activation of individual labour behaviour,the theory of spiral dynamics allows identification of reserves of formation of collective consciousness and solidary labour force of a creative collective. Their use creates a basis of intensification of processes of intellectualisation of the organisation capital. In order to ensure these changes it is necessary to find mechanisms of changing external environment,which sets principally new tasks and requires principally new strategies of their solution.
其他摘要:Цель статьи – обоснование возможности решения проблемы уменьшения работоспособности человека в информационном обществе за счет роста психической нагрузки. В качестве методологической основы исследования использованы идеи американского психолога К. Грэйвса