出版社:Research Centre of Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine
摘要:The rate,heterogeneous character of the changes in the internal and external environment of business entities go beyond their ability to make effective decisions in critical situations timely. Only the collective mind of the creative collective laborer allows to effectively respond to the unique challenges at work now. For the formation of such a laborer in modern conditions it is necessary to use social reserves of the collective development,as they provide an additional growth of its total labor potential due to organization of emotionally positive interaction between employees. The article considers the labor collective as a social control object. There argued a possibility of transforming it into the team due to diagnostic and development of the total labor potential within the role structure. The successful combination of the functional labor and social roles in a team gives a birth to synergistic effect,which is manifested in its mechanical and organic solidarity. The created on this basis collective laborer is a new productive force of the cooperative labor,exceeding the amount of the abilities of separate individual employees.
其他摘要:Швидкість,різноякісність змін внутрішнього й зовнішнього середовища суб'єктів господарювання перевищують їхні можливості вчасно ухвалювати ефективні рішення в критичних ситуаціях. Тільки колективний розум творчого сукупного працівника зараз дозволяє резул
关键词:collective;collective mind;labor potential;collective laborer;social reserves;social and labor roles;solidarity;synergistic effect
其他关键词:колектив;колективний розум;трудовий потенціал;сукупний працівник;соціальні резерви;соціально-трудові ролі;солідарність;синергетичний ефект