出版社:Research Centre of Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine
摘要:One of the major problems in development of the national economy is strengthening the imbalances in development of regions. This leads to the increasing threat of disintegration of the national economy,social tensions,emergence of crises. A direction of solving this problem is to develop new conceptual approaches to substantiation of territorial development policies. The article considers the conceptual scheme for analysis of spatio-temporal and structural effects of financial regional policy,which is represented as a complex of interconnected modules. To accomplish the tasks of each module we use the method of evaluation of structural dynamics,cointegration analysis,models for error compensation,the methods of spatial econometrics,methods of multivariate analysis,scenario approach,simulation,the method of system dynamics,production functions based on panel data. Implementation of the proposed approach in activities of the regional systems will provide for assessing the balance of economic growth,the stability of economic system,its response to «shocks»,to explore the effects of interregional interaction,estimate the effects of financial regional policies,select the projects,to which the mixed forms of financing can be applied.
其他摘要:Однією з основних проблем розвитку національної економіки є посилення дисбалансів у розвитку регіонів. Це призводить до зростання погрози дезінтеграції національної економіки,соціальної напруги,формування криз. Напрямком розв’язання цієї проблеми є розроб