出版社:Research Centre of Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine
摘要:The article conducts analysis of irregularity of distribution of tax resources among towns and districts of the Kharkiv oblast with respect to the income and expenditure sides of the budget on the basis of the convergence theory. Indicators of ?-convergence and models of ?-convergence are used as the instruments of the study and theoretical substantiation of the given indicators are considered in detail. The proposed instruments is approved on the basis of indicators of the tax load on hired employees and also expenditures of local budgets per capita in districts and towns of the Kharkiv oblast. The article reveals the divergent tendency in the Kharkiv oblast,characterised with availability of significant irregularity in development of territories by the tax load indicator,while per capita expenditures of the budgets are close in values,which characterises existence of convergent tendencies in the process of development of territories.
其他摘要:У статті наведено аналіз нерівномірності розподілу податкових ресурсів серед міст і районів Харківської області по прибутковій та витратній частині бюджету на підставі теорії конвергенції. Як інструментарій дослідження використано індикатори ?-конвергенці