出版社:Research Centre of Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine
摘要:The article identifies and classifies influence of the currency panic and agiotage as avalanche-like socio-economic processes upon activity and management of a company. Currency agiotage is caused by growth of anxiety,expectation of destabilisation of political and economic systems,and psychological mood of physical persons and subjects of economic activity. Agiotage demand on currency has a certain seasonality and periodicity,that is why,the majority of citizens-entrepreneurs have developed their own tactics of behaviour. Operative management of a company under conditions of these processes mainly depends on typical belonging,company size,institutional and legal forms,organisational,production and market character. As a result,the article identifies main characteristics of appearance and development of agiotage processes in the currency market and also their influence upon company activity. The article identifies and classifies specific reactions of subjects that have to do with making and performing managerial decisions and reducing the risk of losses caused by agiotage.
其他摘要:У статті визначено та класифіковано вплив валютної паніки,ажіотажу,як лавиноподібних соціально-економічних процесів,на діяльність та управління підприємством. Валютний ажіотаж викликано наростанням стурбованості,очікуванням дестабілізації політичної та ек