出版社:Research Centre of Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine
摘要:The article displays that the dominant trends of territorial development in the context of globalization and transnationalization of markets are increased irregularity of regional development,rapid polarization of the economic development of individual countries and regions,spatially stable economic concentration. Effects of the increased irregularity of regional development are higher vulnerability of economy,its reduced stress resistance towards external «shocks». A conducted analysis showed that the potential for economic growth is concentrated mostly in the economically developed regions,where trade and financial flows are effectively built into the system of global competition. For most macro-regions and interior regions channels for technology transfer and deployment are unavailable. This leads to reproduction of the trend of increased irregularity of regional development,both at the level of world dynamics and at the level of individual regions. Examination of the level of irregularity of the regional development of Ukraine,assessment of its effect on economic growth based on production-institutional functions suggest that indicators of the regional development irregularity substantially exceed the threshold (safe) values,i.e. the imbalance of economic space is becoming a threat to the stable development of the economic system that requires improving the existing mechanisms for the State regulation of regional development.
其他摘要:У статті показано,що домінантними тенденціями розвитку територій в умовах глобалізації й транснаціоналізації ринків є зростання нерівномірності регіонального розвитку,стрімка поляризація економічного розвитку окремих країн і регіонів,просторово стійка еко