出版社:Research Centre of Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine
摘要:The article is aimed at a theoretical-methodological substantiation and practical application of the adaptive forecasting models in the development of adaptation measures. Evolution of the use of adaptive models,particularly its simple form – exponential smoothing – as well as change of its basic principles when building forecasts has been considered. It has been determined that most adaptation measures are directed to «survival». However,current conditions put forward other requirements: in order to become competitive,«protective» methods are not sufficient,there is the need for adaptation measures aimed at development. With regard to the volatile and uncertain financial-economic space,the best basis for establishing such measures is the short-term forecasting (until 3 years) that would preserve the representativeness of the results. Thus,the methodology set out in article as to applying adaptive models for enterprises is also suitable for forecasting of main parameters of banks' activities with introduction of corresponding adjustments and refinements that will improve efficiency of the process of adaptation to characteristics of the financial-economic space.
其他摘要:Метою статті є теоретико-методологічне обґрунтування та практичне використання адаптивних моделей прогнозування при розробці заходів адаптації. Розглянуто еволюцію використання адаптивних моделей,а саме: найпростішої її форми – експоненціального згладжува
关键词:forecasting;adaptive models;exponential smoothing;adaptation measures;financial-economic space
其他关键词:прогнозування;адаптивні моделі;експоненціальне згладжування;заходи адаптації;фінансово-економічний простір