出版社:Research Centre of Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine
摘要:The article deals with analysis tools tax regulation of economic processes. It was found that during the crisis,especially when the company desperately needed additional revenue,government support has not significantly increased and decreased. During the study proved that each country during the financial crisis must apply individually toolkit tax regulations.
其他摘要:У статті досліджено інструменти податкового регулювання розвитку економічних процесів. Було встановлено,що в період кризи,коли підприємства особливо гостро потребували додаткових надходжень,підтримка держави істотно не збільшилася,а зменшувалась. У процес
关键词:regulation;tax regulation;the financial and economic crisis;the tools of tax regulation;budgetary support;tax incentives