期刊名称:Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai: Geographia
出版社:Cluj University Press
摘要:Morphometric Characteristics of the Relief in the Southern Part of the Someşan Plateau. Premise in the Generation and Evolution of Geomorphic Risk Phenomena. The relief morphometric characteristics were calculated directly on the topographic maps derived DEM. The main computed parameters were height,inclination,slope exposure,fragmentation depth and density,as well as the plan and the profile curvatures. In order to distinguish as detalied as possible the change values in the studied region,the above mentioned morphometric parameters were calculated on a grid support,with a pixels’ dimension of 10 x 10 m. The study aims at an exact evaluation of the relief morphometric parameters as primary attributes of the geographic individuality of this hilly region in the North of the large intracarpathian area,known under the name of the Transylvanian Depression. At the same time,a differentiation of the parameters’ values at the level of the region’s geographic subdivisions was also approached. The relief morphometric characteristics,together with the substrate features,represent important premises in the generation and evolution of risk geomorphic phenomena that endanger the rural settlemens in the Southern part of the Someşan Plateau.
关键词:Someşan Plateau;morphometric characteristics;inclination;fragmentation depth;fragmentation density