期刊名称:Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai: Geographia
出版社:Cluj University Press
摘要:Development Policies in Alba Iulia Area of Influence. An Integrated Approach. The paper represents an integrated and holarchical perspective on the spatial development policies and its component measures and projects related to the City of Alba Iulia,its area of influence and the all-encompassing County of Alba,Romania. The goal was to see how the development and management policies from all levels merge into a single strategic framework that might create a favourable basis for the sustainable growth of Alba Iulia and its area of influence. As this area surrounding the city is subjected to different hierarchical plans and programmes,some that are not properly correlated,it is extremely clear that this area and Areas of Influence in general need legislative stipulations made specifically for them and also a well-thought holarchical planning approach.
关键词:development policies;strategic framework;Area of Influence;intercommunity development association;City of Alba Iulia.