期刊名称:Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai: Geographia
出版社:Cluj University Press
摘要:The Correspondence of Nicolae Dragomir with his Master George Vâlsan and with Constantin Brătescu (Unpublished). This article,a short excerpt from a book,which is now in process of being published – refers to the correspondence between professor Nicolae Dragomir,who dedicated himself to the study of the profession of sheep breeding of the Mărgineni people (inhabitants from around the city of Sibiu),with his mentor,scientist George Vâlsan,„the spiritual patron” of the Cluj school of geography,as well as professor Constantin Brătescu,director of the Institute of Geography from the University of Cernăuţi and editor of the “Analele Dobrogei” Journal. For the very first time in geographic literature,representative fragments of this correspondence are analyzed. The emphasis is placed on the advices given by the master to his scholar,so that he may achieve the monography of his birthplace,as well as on the description the master is able to accomplish.
关键词:correspondence;the figure of the geographer George Vâlsan;national awareness and geography;Mărginean sheep breeder;the monography of Sălişte;Southern Dobruja (Cadrilater).