摘要:Compulsory education is the minimum educational programs must be followed by Indonesian citizen and the responsibility by local government. This program has been manifested in Government Regulation Republik of Indonesia Number 47 in 2008. The purpose of the study to analyze the public response to the implementation of nine-year compulsory education, especially in Bali Province. Research variables are : 1). Implementation of the educational curriculum 2) Teaching and learning process, 3). Learning facilities, 4). Realization of the program 5). Students learning outcomes. The research data were sourced from Denpasar, Badung, Karangasem and Buleleng regency, the number of samples are 400 persons. The results showed, that all of the variable in good category, Teaching and learning process variable have the better catagory, while getting the bad category are learning facilities variable. The analysis showed that the community satisfaction of the nine-year compulsory education did no association relationship on regency in Bali province, but positive associated with age of respondens. Results of this study can be input to governments, should be improvements in the implementation of nine year compulsory education.