摘要:1. Surface observations Three-hourly ,3ynoptic observations were made on board M/s "Soya " throughout the voyage from 10th November, 1956, to 23 rd April, 1957. Those which were made during the operation at the Antarctic coast are given in Table 1. Daily mean values are given in Table 2 and ::Fig. 1, including those for the voyage across the polar frontal zone . Summarized data are given in Table 3, the period being divided ,according to operations stages. Upper wind observations Upper wind "observations were made aboard M/ s " Soya " -only at the Antarctic coast when the ship stayed among the drift ice or was anchored .at the edge of fast ice in the Li.itzow-Holm Bay. PIBAL method was used, the ascending ·velocity of the balloon being 300 m/miri. The maximum height reached was 21 km. The results arc given in Table.