摘要:Crossflow ultrafiltration membrane was applied to stevia extract solution for removing non-sugar impurities and maintain the sugars content,especially stevioside,rebaudioside and steviolbiside that have molecular weight below 1 kDa.The impurities such as chlorophyll,alkaloid,tannin,steroid,flavonoid gave unclear solution.The ultrafiltration used was a hollow fiber module equipped by polyethersulfone (PES) membrane with the pore size of 20 kDa.The ultrafiltration could remove the impurities indicated by a low ash content in the permeate and increase solution clarity.The high clarification was obtained at crossflow velocity of 0.02 m/s and transmembrane pressure at 1.87 bars.These conditions gave highest flux of 60 L/m2.h and lowest stevioside rejection of 36%.The solution clarity increased up to 64%,whereas the ash content decreased by 62%.
其他摘要:Membran ultrafiltrasi aliran silang digunakan untuk pemurnian larutan ekstrak daun stevia.Pada pemurnian ini dilakukan penghilangan senyawa yang menyebabkan kekeruhan seperti khlorofil,alkaloid,tannin,steroid dan flavonoid.Namun tetap mempertahankan kandu