出版社:Visoka poslovna škola strukovnih studija, Novi Sad
摘要:The aim of the paper is to point out to the status, significance and benefits that Bosnia and Herzegovina has from the development of a knowledge-based society.Comparative analysis of key statistical indicators has shown that Bosnia and Herzegovina is in a very poor position compared to other countries, both in terms of investment in knowledge and innovation according to UNESCO statistics and competitiveness, as indicated by the Word Economic Forum and The Global Competitiveness Report.Bosnia and Herzegovina is also far below the performance of the countries of the European Union whose accession it is striving for.The results of the analysis suggest that investments in the development of science, education and innovation in Bosnia and Herzegovina are so low that they do not show correlation with economic growth and foreign investment flows as key indicators of competitiveness.
其他摘要:Cilj rada je da ukaže na stanje, značaj i korist koje Bosna i Hercegovina ima od razvoja društva zasnovanog na znanju.Komparativna analiza ključnih statističkih pokazatelja je pokazala da se Bosna i Hercegovina nalazi u vrlo lošem položaju u poređenju sa