摘要:Burnout is an important problem in academic life. Burnout of academic staff affect the quality of education and the success of the students. Because, being burnout not only brings about insufficiencies and illnesses in individuals, but also damages the other staff and the foundation as a result of their underperformance, psychological destruction and resignation. The aim of this study is to identify the burnout levels of academic staff and to evaluate the relationship between some variables of burnout levels by using Proportional Odds Model differently from other burnout studies about academic staff. For this purpose, 150 academicians are selected with “Stratified Simple Sampling” method from one of the biggest Public Universities in Ankara in Turkey, then, the personal information form and Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) are implemented to them. This study is important for recognizing the problems of academic staff and contributing to their productivity and success in their work.
关键词:Academicians;Burnout;Maslach Burnout Inventory;Proportional Odds Model (POM)