出版社:University of Novi Sad, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management
摘要:Research of the influence of geographical and historical factors on changes in natural features and the quality of ecosystem services is important for the evaluation of the reference state of the quality of the environment and the potential of natural systems for the renewal of functions on which the wildlife on the planet depends. The territory of central Banat in the surrounding of protected areas "Slano Kopovo” Special Nature Reserve,"Rusanda” Nature Park and "Okanj Bara” Special Nature Reserve covering the settlements of Novi Bečej,Kumane,Melenci,Elemir and Taraš was selected for the analysis. Changes in ecosystems were monitored based on available geographical and historical data on the residence and activities of people in this territory during various time periods. Evaluation was conducted by scoring and gradation of impact was carried out by applying approximate values of spatial,qualitative and quantitative change indicators. According to the research results,current effects of the impact on the considered area were between significant and great. Results indicate the alarming state in the environment,since further increase in the scope of influences leads to the exceedance of capacities of the surrounding ecosystems for performing a part of ecosystem services (tremendous impact),or most of ecosystem services (drastic impact).