出版社:University of Novi Sad, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management
摘要:A city as a context of urban human life requires meeting some standards which at a glance are called the standards of life quality. In fact,the quality of life is a complex and multi-dimensional concept. Measuring the quality of life in Iran,according to particular social,economic and cultural conditions of this country and also the emphasis of country twenty years visions on this issue,has special importance. Cultural gathering spaces improve social and economic vitality in one side and in other side provide favorable conditions for citizen leisure. Theatres are one of cultural complexes which have important role in the promotion of citizens’ quality of life. What is today known as Tehran City Theatre is a beautiful circular cylindrical building which is located at Daneshjoo park ,Vali-e-Asr crossroad ,Tehran city;and for some reasons daily attracts hundreds of people. The objective of this study is to explain the role of City Theatre in promoting citizens’ quality of life. Research method is analytical descriptive. Data collection method has been based on researcher’s objective assessments and filling questionnaire. Cochran’s formula was used to determine sampling volume and questionnaires were distributed among citizens of district 11,Tehran city;then 480 questionnaires gathered and analyzed. The research findings show that City Theatre has an effective and positive role on mental dimension of citizens’ quality of life. The capabilities of this collection can be increased for citizens’ quality of life by creating facilities such as transportation control and avoiding interference of riding and pedestrian,creating sitting and pause spaces in this collection,and spaces associated with this collection using.
关键词:Cultural spaces;gathering spaces;quality of life;Tehran City Theatre