摘要:The problems associated with interior air quality in the dormitory of a vocational and technical training center that consist of six bedrooms with a capacity of sixty students are studied for December of 2016. Measurements are carried out with 11 Testo 535 CO2 measuring instruments, two and nine of which are used for exterior and interior air, respectively. The outdoor CO2 measurements are made in the garden and in front of open window situated at the second floor of the building. The data received from other nine measuring instruments placed at five different locations where the students are mostly present are recorded continuously and averaged manually. These measurements are conducted for seven different hours of four different days on December (1500, 1600, 1800, 2000, 2200, 0000, 0300, 0630). According to results obtained at 1500, it is found that the amount of CO2 level in rooms is measured to 1100 ppm, which is under the permitted amount of level. Students begin to enter the bedrooms from 1800, the amount of CO2 increase staidly to up to 2000. The free time of students from 930 to 2200 increases the amount of CO2 and continues until 0600 in the morning due to their increased activities in this period of times. To solve the problem associated with interior air quality of this dormitory, a novel system which controls the interior air quality continuously and keeps it stabile is developed. In this newly developed system, it is aimed to keep the amount of CO2 at 1100 ppm level by transferring the data collected from CO2 sensors in bedrooms to ABB brand driver, and designing a variable air flow system that controls the fresh air and exhaust fans. This system is also expected to constantly stabilize the blown air temperature at 25 °C by activating the electric resistances present in the air channel according to the load, when the outside air temperature drops below 20 °C.
其他摘要:Bu çalışmada 2016 yılı aralık ayın da dokuz odalı ve altmış öğrenci kapasiteli yatılı bir mesleki ve teknik eğitim merkezi pansiyonu yatakhanesindeki iç hava kalitesi problemleri araştırılmıştır. İkisi dış hava, dokuzu mahal içerisinde olmak üzere Testo 5
关键词:Indoor air quality;ventilation;variable air flow rate;boarding school;CO2
其他关键词:iç hava kalitesi;havalandırma;değişken hava debili sistem;yatılı okul;CO2