摘要:Glutathione is a tripeptide which consisted of glutamate, cysteine and glycine. As well as eukaryotic organisms, some prokaryotes produce this compound and it functions as a protector of the cell against to unfavorable environmental stresses mainly oxidative stress. When bacteria encounter to a sub-lethal stress, they gain resistance to mentioned stress and then the processes used to control pathogenic bacteria may become ineffective. Therefore, it is important to know the properties and functions of glutathione which have a key role in protection from stress in bacteria.
其他摘要:Glutatyon, glutamik asit, sistein ve glisinden oluşan bir tripeptitdir. Ökaryot organizmalarda olduğu gibi bazı prokaryotlar tarafından da üretilen bu bileşik, başta oksidatif stres olmak üzere olumsuz çevre koşullarına karşı hücreyi koruma işlevi görmekt