摘要:The main purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between latent classes of childhood maltreatment and depression․anxiety and aggression from childhood to adolescence. 1,785 participants in a sample form Seoul Panel Study of Children were used in this study. Using latent class analysis, three classes of child maltreatment were identified: ‘low maltreatment'(89.2%), ‘physical+emotional abuse+neglect'(1.9%), ‘physical+emotional abuse'(8.9%). Three developmental trajectories of depression∙anxiety were classified: ‘low depression․anxiety'(72.3%), ‘moderate depression․anxiety'(23.3%), ‘high depression∙anxiety’(4.4%). Two developmental trajectories of aggression were revealed: ‘low aggression'(89.3%), ‘high aggression'(10.7%). As estimated by latent transition probability, the multiple maltreatment classes were more likely to have higher levels of depression∙anxiety or aggression than the no maltreatment class. There appeared to be distinct profiles of maltreatment among adolescents that had differential associations to measures of internal and external problems. The implications for both practice and policy implications are also discussed.