摘要:The carbothermal reduction kinetics of mechanically activated chromite with graphite under an argon atmosphere was investigated at temperatures between 1100 and 1400°C. Zhuravlev-Lesokhin-Tempelman (ZLT) method was used in the reduction kinetics for non-activated chromite and the activation energy was calculated as 401,7 kJ/mol. Solid-state diffusion method was used in the reduction kinetics for 60 min-activated chromite and the activation energy was calculated as 283,3 kJ/mol. This decrease in activation energy was due to structural disordering in chromite structure by mechanical activation.
其他摘要:Mekanik aktive edilmiĢ kromitin argon atmosferi altında grafitle karbotermal redüksiyon kinetiği 1100 – 1400°C sıcaklık aralığında incelenmiĢtir. Aktive edilmemiĢ kromitin redüksiyon kinetiğinde Zhuravlev-Lesokhin-Tempelman (ZLT) metodu kullanılmıĢ ve akt